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Florida Condominium Market

John Hawley

Jul 25, 2024

The Florida condominium market is facing challenges due to increased regulations and rising costs. While the market presents opportunities for redevelopment, navigating these challenges requires careful consideration and understanding of the current landscape.

Opportunities & Obstacles in the 2024 Florida Condominium Market


Once a beacon of investment opportunity, the Florida condominium market is now marked by challenges and uncertainties. At the heart of the uncertainty are requirements in Florida Senate Bill 4-D: Building Safety passed in 2022 impacting the Florida Condominium Act, a legislative response to the tragic Champlain Towers South collapse. SB 4-D requires milestone inspections on buildings three or more stories tall, reserve studies, elimination of waivers, and increased roofing system repair requirements. While intended to bolster safety, the new law has had far-reaching implications for condo owners, associations, and developers alike.


The Impact of Changes to the Florida Condominium Act

The Florida Condominium Act modification resulting from the passage of the law includes stringent regulations aimed at improving building safety and financial stability. Mandatory reserve studies and heightened maintenance standards have become the new norm. While these measures are essential for protecting residents, they have also led to a surge in condo association fees and special assessments.

For middle- and fixed-income homeowners, the financial burden has become increasingly difficult to bear. The prospect of escalating costs has motivated many to consider selling their units, flooding the market with supply. Consequently, demand for older buildings, often associated with higher maintenance costs, has declined.


The Perfect Storm: Financial Strain and Market Dynamics

The confluence of rising costs, reduced demand, and a growing number of distressed sellers has created a perfect storm for the condominium market. Condo associations are facing unprecedented financial challenges, with some struggling to meet their obligations. The risk of association collapse is a looming threat, potentially leaving unit owners in a precarious position. Craig Studnicky, co-founder and CEO of ISG World Luxury Real Estate Sales and Marketing firm in Miami, offers valuable insights into these challenges in his 2024 Q2 video. He highlights a significant obstacle: buyer reluctance to purchase condos older than 30 years due to the potential for substantial special assessments.

Opportunities Amidst Challenges

While the current market conditions present significant challenges, they also offer opportunities for savvy investors and developers. The decline in the value of older buildings has created a landscape ripe for redevelopment. Bulk condo buyouts, once a rare occurrence, are becoming increasingly common as developers seek to capitalize on land values that often exceed building values.

However, the path to success is fraught with obstacles. Negotiating with condo associations can be complex and time-consuming, and legal hurdles are numerous. Additionally, the potential for litigation from unit owners cannot be ignored.


Florida's Response and Market Outlook

In recognition of the industry's challenges, Florida has implemented incentive programs to encourage continued development. Initiatives such as the Live Local Act aim to boost affordable housing options, but their impact on the condominium market remains to be seen. 

The future of Florida's condominium market is uncertain. While the luxury segment continues to thrive with high new build inventory and occupancy rates, the middle and lower-end market faces significant headwinds. The potential for a market collapse cannot be dismissed, but it is equally possible that the industry will adapt and find a new equilibrium.


The Florida condominium market is undergoing a period of unprecedented transformation. The challenges are substantial, but so too are the opportunities. For investors, developers, and condo owners alike, understanding the intricacies of the market is essential for navigating these uncharted waters.

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